We hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you were able to join us virtually for the Sabbath Worship Services. We are resuming "In Person" services this Sabbath, December 5, 2020. We will continue to keep our church facilities open as long as we work together and respect each other.
In order to allow the church to re-open despite the recent increase of Covid-19 cases these guidelines are necessary for us to remain open and continue worshipping together "In Person". These are the same guidelines we have been following. They are listed below, just as a reminder.
Some of the important safety guidelines are summarized below:
1. Masks. Face coverings will be required while in motion (e.g. entering the church, going to the restroom, walking to your seat). Face coverings can be removed while seated in the sanctuary. Complimentary disposable face coverings will be provided near the church entrance.
2. Social distancing. Please maintain 6 feet of distance between yourself and others while in the church building. This guideline does not apply to family members that live in the same household. In order to make social distancing possible, please go directly to the sanctuary and avoid congregating in the lobby or other common areas.
3. Hugging and handshaking. Please do not use hugs and handshakes as greetings while in the building. Elbow or shoe bumps are a recommended alternative.
4. Exit procedures. In order to encourage social distancing the congregation will be dismissed row-by-row at the end of the service, starting at the back of the sanctuary and moving towards the front. When dismissed, please exit the church rather than congregating in the lobby. You are free to visit outside in the parking lot or pavilion areas.
5. Symptoms. If you or someone close to you have experienced COVID-19 symptoms in the past 7-10 days, please view the service online rather than attending in person.
We all look forward to the day these guidelines are no longer necessary, but until then, we ask for your cooperation in following these safety guidelines so that we can continue to worship together in a safe and responsible way.